Long Live the Placebo Effect?
The placebo effect has a negative reputation, but that is not entirely justified. In complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) it is also seen as the self-healing capacity of the body. What exactly is the placebo effect and how can we osteopaths make good use of it?..
15 March, 2020
Osteopathy in the Cranial Field: does it work?
Osteopathy in the Cranial Field (OCF) is a standard component of the toolbox of the osteopath. At the same time it is also the most controversial. More and more reviews appear that are questioning the evidence of OCF...
13 June, 2018
Whiplash, What Now? (Dutch)
Het onderstaande verhaal is illustrerend voor patiënten met whiplash klachten. Het is tot stand gekomen dankzij vijfentwintig jaar praktijkervaring met mensen met whiplash, maar ook door de persoonlijke ervaring van de auteur…
2 December, 2016
Osteopathy: Empathize With the Essence of Man.
According to the professional competency profile (BCS-1) in the Netherlands osteopathic manual medicine is an examination and treatment.Osteopathy is a philosophy, a science and an art…
18 Januari, 2015
The Possibility to Identify The Importance of HRV Studies in Analysis of Our Mental Entities.
When Descartes started his writing’s on the division of mind and matter...
16 August, 2013
Neuropsychological Foundations of Conscious Experience by Jason Brown, A Review by Sander Kales, D.O.
The sequence in this review is the same as the Microgenetic and Morphodynamic process described by Brown and his own Ontogenesis…
9 August, 2012
2004 Thesis Osteopathy Vagus
The question of this experiment is whether a Cranial Base Release has any influence on distress, heart frequency or blood-pressure. Therefore my base Hypothesis is that a Cranial Base Release has no influence on the heart frequency, the blood-pressure or the amount of distress that a person perceives…
9 August, 2012
Sensomotor development, the first six years.
The first is that development also has an Outside In direction and not just Inside-Out i.e. from Central Nervous System (CNS) towards the outside world. For us Osteopaths this implies…
9 August, 2012
Vitiello states that memory capacity is a result of the possible different ground states in the vacuum. Each ground state is a memory. So he shifts the storage of memory from the electromagnetic level to the quantum level.
13 Januari, 2011