Introductory Lectures
In these Introductory lectures Sander will take you from an overview into the philosophical premises through the principles and models of osteopathy towards the connective tissue: fascia. In this lecture series the main pathway is from general towards specific. The general starts with philosophy and principles. Then on a systems level there is an overview of basic principles in development of tissue (morphology) where the phylontological approach is taken. This means there is a look at species development (phylogeny) and this development is then compared to the ontological development (the change in a lifetime). At last these principles are applied to every day functioning where this developmental sequence is investigated if it also takes place in ever and ever smaller timeframes.
Then this will be applied to the basic systems that influence human functioning and can be used to understand the patient’s functional complaints. These complaints are then discussed from bottom (feet, hands, extremities) towards pelvis, then upwards through abdomen and thorax, ending at the head with the psychological functioning of fascia.
Upcoming Lectures
Poznan, Poland, 11-12th of September. Gastroenterological Fascia
Online speaker, 10th of October, International Cranio Research Congress
Santiago, Spain, 23-24 October, Introductory course in Osteopathic Fascial Concept
Gilze-Rijen, Netherlands, 4th of February, Evidence Informed Practice in Osteopathy
Madrid, Spain, 19-20th of February, Introductory course in Osteopathic Fascial Concept
Santiago, Spain, 26-27th of March, Urogynaecological Fascia
Oporto, Portugal, 18-19th of June, Introductory course in Osteopathic Fascial Concept
Spain (left-bottom) and Poland (top-right).