The osteopathic consultation can be compared to reading the body as a book. What is its history/ the chapters, what is the symptom, the causes and the original goals. To look at the osteopathic proces as a gathering of data and then trying to look for probable patterns, is different then having the implicit patterning as a practitioner and then trying to fit the complaints in this personal schema.
If a shoulder pain developed right around the time somebody had kidney stones our gout, that might be an indication of a relationship between the two phenomena. The simple fact that we cannot explain the relation does not mean it is not there.
Therefore it is of importance to start reasoning in models of explanation and use these models to improve the predictability of the behavior of the symptoms.
My purpose has been to broaden my knowledge in all circumferential domains of fascial work.
Educational Background
Psycho Sociale Basis Kennis (PSBK, 2023)
NAAP Year 1&2 Seminar Depth Psychology C.G. Jung, 2022-23
Foundation Course Jungian Psychoanalysis, GAP Londen, 2020-2021
Fontys, Ultrasound Abdomen (2018-19)
Foundation training Body Psychotherapy, Bodynamic, Koln (2016-17)
Introduction into Complex Systems, Uni of Utrecht summer school (2015)
Masters Evidence Based Practice at Uni of Amsterdam, not completed (2013)
Quantum Consciousness, Uni of Bari (2013)
Pediatric osteopathy Master, OSD Hamburg (2012)
Lymphatic treatment CFS, Perrin Techniques (2007)
Integrated Techniques De Bakker (2003-07)
Applied Kinesiology Geert Drenth, ICAK. (2003)
Orthomolecular Medicine, AOV. (2003)
Osteopathy I.A.O, Gent (2001)
Haptonomie, Overasselt, W.I.H. (1996)
Propadeuse Psychology, UVA. (1993)
Physical Therapy, HAF, Haarlem (1992)
Sportmassage at Kollaart Opleidingen en Groothandel (1988)