Sander has always worked with his hands. Starting as a professional basketball player and continuing in physical therapy and later osteopathy. His family has a long history as craftsman. Combined with the kinestethic sense, Sander has developed his curiosity and analytical skills through training in psychology, epidemiology, quantum physics and complex systems. This has lead to the development of an integral view on the body mind interaction.
Even as a youngster it showed that his interest was broad, ranging from art, music, dance, sports to social, political, humanities and biomedical sciences. On this journey through all these fields, the personal contact has always been a driving force.
Luckily he found a balance within his personal life: a loving wife and five wonderful children. Besides family there have always been deep fulfilling relationships where personal reflection is a driving force. His philosophical inclination is on the one hand Zen buddhism where he trains as a student with his Zen master Robert Rosenbaum to other hand an interest in Western Esotericism, mostly the Alchemists and the Gnostics, following Carl Jung’s quest. This supports him in the search for more deeper truths.